Destination Maisie by Mel Frances (Review)

Destination Maisie by Mel Frances


Destination Maisie is the perfect balance of adventure, joy, sadness and humour. A trip full of emotional twists, turns, and hope. The journey begins in 1960 when an illegitimate baby girl named Maisie Florence, is born in a London nursing hospital. Following a disrupted adoption and ten years in foster care, Maisie, aged 17, discovers a hidden letter from Ellen, her birth mother. In 1977 Maisie absconds from care, making an anxious journey to Manchester, where she reunites with Ellen and meets her characterful half-sisters. But does she truly belong? Decades later, in 2019, Maisie discovers her birth father was born in Crete. Encouraged by granddaughter Fran, fuelled by fantasies of long-lost birth family reunions, the women embark upon a road trip through Paris, Florence, and Athens to reach Heraklion. Both women find love on the idyllic Greek island, which changes their lives forever. When Fran has to return to England, Maisie connects with her Greek aunt by birth. Dark secrets are revealed, leaving Maisie stunned at past revelations. She is lost, alone and adrift on a Greek island wondering if she’ll ever find her true self. With her emotional scars exposed, the consequences for Maisie are devastating.


Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to Mel Frances for sending me a copy of her book in exchange for an honest review. 

At first I struggled with this book because of the jumping around of time periods but once I got used to this I really started to get into this book. Although this book is called Destination Maisie it focuses on so many other characters and I loved their character development, especially Fran’s. For me Fran was the star of this book and I felt so proud of her development. Fran is Maisie’s granddaughter and decides to help her beloved grandmother as much as she can and takes her grandmother on an epic adventure to find her past. Fran is a young woman with big plans for her future but she puts everything on hold to go on the big trip and with this trip she discovers her true self and that maybe her plans for the future are not exactly what she wants. Fran is so brave, she knows Maisie has scars and is traumatised by her past but she is right there to help Maisie through it. 

Maisie has not had an easy beginning in life. In fact it is a beginning that could throw some people completely off the rails but Maisie always pushes through. Maisie is unbelievable strong but as the book goes on we witness just how strong she is and just what her past and present life put her through. Maisie has real trauma in her childhood and it could have been so easy for her to stay put with her foster family safe and secure but she never gives up and at 17 years of age, and a sheltered 17 at that, she embarks on a journey to find her real mother. Thankfully, that journey ends up happily with Maisie finding her birth mother and her half-sisters. However, Maisie still feels something isn’t quite right and needs more answers and so the big adventure in Crete begins. So often in this book I kept crying out for someone to help Maisie. Yes she is strong but also she is bruised and keeps getting bruised and she just needed someone to help guide her, to comfort her but as so often happens with strong characters people don’t see below the strong facade the struggle and the damage. 

I was so happy a good portion of this book was set in Crete because Frances’ descriptions of Crete were wonderful! Frances’ details of the scenery, the ruins, the history, the culture, even the shopping centre were beautifully detailed and I could imagine myself there sitting on the beach listening to the sea reading a good book between going for a swim. This book really was a joy to read and I was constantly routing for Maisie and Fran. I can’t wait to read Frances’ next book and enjoy some beautiful scenery again. I give this book 4 out of 5 Dragons. 


About the author

Mel grew up within a large extended family in North East England. She is married with two adult sons. After a period of study, Mel settled in Lancashire for fifteen years, before returning to her beloved city of Newcastle. Following a career in Children’s Social Care, Mel has fulfilled her passion for writing contemporary fiction. When she is not spending time with family and friends, she can be found at her desk planning her next novel. 


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