June 2022 Wrap Up


June has not gone well reading wise. I am bogged down with Dombey and Son but I am making slow progress with it and really enjoying it still which is the main thing.



Pages: 64

Format Read: Hardback

Dragon Rating: 🐲🐲🐲


Pages: 112

Format Read: Hardback

Dragon Rating: 🐲🐲🐲🐲

Review to follow

Pages: 536

Format Read: Paperback

Dragon Rating: 🐲🐲🐲🐲🐲


Pages: 310

Format Read: Paperback

Dragon Rating: 🐲🐲🐲🐲🐲

Review to follow

Goodreads Challenge: 26/60

Happy Reading

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Mid Week Quote: Sir Elton John


I hope everyone is having a good week so far.

My chosen quote this week is by the English singer, songwriter and pianist Sir Elton John (1947).

“Live for each second without hesitation.”

Sir Elton John

Happy Reading

If you enjoy reading my blog and would like to make a donation I would be very grateful. Thank you

WWW Wednesday: 29/06/2022

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words.

The rules are answer the questions below and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What do you think you will read next?


I hope everyone is having a good week so far. My reading is not going well at the moment, for some reason I have the attention span of a gnat. I think it is because I am ploughing towards the end of term and exhaustion is most likely setting in.

Anyway, back to the books…

What I am Currently Reading

I was hoping to have finished Dombey and Son by the end of this month but that is not going to happen, so now I am hoping I will finish it before I go on holiday. I am loving the Alison Weir and Richard Buxton books, I struggle to work out which one to read all the time.

What I have Recently Finished Reading

Yay! I have finally finished a book. I really enjoyed this and found it some light relief from my other books which are fairly heftier. Review will follow shortly.

What I Think I will Read Next

As usual I am never really sure what I will read next but it maybe one of these.

Please drop me a comment with your WWW Wednesday and I will head over for a visit.

Happy Reading

If you enjoy reading my blog and would like to make a donation I would be very grateful. Thank you

Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Summer 2022 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. For more info please check out Jana’s blog.


This prompt is perfect for me this week because I have been trying to work out what to read this Summer. I am going away in July and I need to decide what to read because I am planning a nice relaxing time with plenty of chilling by the pool but I have no idea!

So here is what I have come up with.

  1. Scenes of Clerical Life by George Eliot – This is my next book to read off my The Classics Club list. Hopefully I will get to it soon.
  2. The Lady Catherine and The Real Downton Abbey by The Countess of Carnarvon – I have been wanting to read this for ages as I just love The Countess of Carnarvon’s writing.
  3. The Witcher: Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski – I am determined to start this series this year so the Summer seems like a good time as I might have more time.
  4. The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan – Next one that I have to read in the series. I won’t finish the series this year but I am determined to make a good push on the series.
  5. Meet Me in Hawaii by Georgia Toffolo – Another book that has been stuck on my TBR for far too long and it looks like a good book to read whilst on holiday.
  6. A Three Dog Problem by S. J. Bennett – I really enjoyed the first book in the series so I am looking forward to this one.
  7. The Night She Disappeared by Lisa Jewell – I bought this on the day it came out and I have still not read it! I must remedy this.
  8. Star Trek Picard: Rogue Elements by John Jackson Miller – I have been reading the Picard and Discovery books because I really enjoy the TV series but I will be honest I am not so keen on Miller as an author. I find he tends to write 300 words when it can be said in 150 words but hopefully this won’t be the case this time.
  9. Nemesis Games by James S. A. Corey – My next book in The Expanse series. I love this series and each book just seems to get better and better.
  10. Olive and Mabel by Andrew Cotter – Another book I bought on the day it came out. I also bought a copy for my niece and she has read and loved it so I really should get reading.

So there is my list. I doubt I will get around to all of the books (the curse of being a mood reader), but I hope to read as many as possible.

What books do you have on your Summer TBR?

Happy Reading

If you enjoy reading my blog and would like to make a donation I would be very grateful. Thank you

Goodreads Monday: 27/06/2022

Goodreads Monday is now hosted by Budget Tales Book Club.  All you have to do is show off a book from your TBR that you’re looking forward to reading.

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone has had a good start to the week. I have had a very bizarre day which to be honest you couldn’t even make up. I run a choir club at a primary school and today half way through, a random lady turned up with a sheep on a lead. I still have no idea who she was or why she had a sheep but as you can imagine the children lost all interest in singing when a sheep turned up.

Anyway, enough about my odd day. The book I have chosen today is a new author for me.

Frances Burney’s first and most enduringly popular novel is a vivid, satirical, and seductive account of the pleasures and dangers of fashionable life in late eighteenth-century London. 

As she describes her heroine’s entry into society, womanhood and, inevitably, love, Burney exposes the vulnerability of female innocence in an image-conscious and often cruel world where social snobbery and sexual aggression are played out in the public arenas of pleasure-gardens, theatre visits, and balls. But Evelina’s innocence also makes her a shrewd commentator on the excesses and absurdities of manners and social ambitions—as well as attracting the attention of the eminently eligible Lord Orville. 

Evelina, comic and shrewd, is at once a guide to fashionable London, a satirical attack on the new consumerism, an investigation of women’s position in the late eighteenth century, and a love story.

I’m really looking forward to reading this. I just hope I get to read it sooner rather than later.

Purchase Links

Book depository | Foyles | Waterstones | Wordery

Please drop me a comment if you have taken part in Goodreads Monday and I will head over for a visit.

Happy Reading

If you enjoy reading my blog and would like to make a donation I would be very grateful. Thank you

The Weekly Brief


I hope everyone has had a good weekend. Sadly the blogging hasn’t gone very well this week and neither has the reading but hopefully I will get back on track next week.

Posts this Week

Currently Reading

I’m currently still ploughing on with these books. I’m really enjoying the Alison Weir but have come to a bit of a halt with the Dickens.

Happy Reading

If you enjoy reading my blog and would like to make a donation I would be very grateful. Thank you

Friday Poetry: Derek Walcott

Happy Friday!

I hope everyone has had a good week and is looking forward to the weekend.

My chosen poem this week is by the Saint Lucian poet and playwright Derek Walcott (1930-2017).

Midsummer, Tobago

Broad sun-stoned beaches.

White heat.
A green river.

A bridge,
scorched yellow palms

from the summer-sleeping house
drowsing through August.

Days I have held,
days I have lost,

days that outgrow, like daughters,
my harbouring arms.

Derek Walcott

Happy Reading

If you enjoy reading my blog and would like to make a donation I would be very grateful. Thank you

Mid Week Quote: Neil Gaiman


I hope everyone is having a good week so far. I’m not getting much reading done at the moment which is shame but I’m hoping that will improve soon.

My chosen quote this week is about cats. When I saw it I thought it was perfect because I can’t get Lyra our calico to behave at all.

“I would like to see anyone, prophet, king or God, convince a thousand cats to do the same thing at the same time.” 

Neil Gaiman

Happy Reading

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Goodreads Monday: 20/06/2022

Goodreads Monday is now hosted by Budget Tales Book Club.  All you have to do is show off a book from your TBR that you’re looking forward to reading.


I hope everyone has had a good start to the week. I have had a busy day of teaching music and running choir club. I have an unexpected day off tomorrow so I am hoping to enjoy a bit of reading time.

My chosen book this week is by an author who I haven’t read a lot of, so I am hoping to read more of their work.

A collection of three stories. The Stories take place in and around the fictional town of Milby in the English Midlands. Each of the Scenes concerns a different Anglican clergyman, but is not necessarily centred upon him. Eliot examines, among other things, the effects of religious reform and the tension between the Established and the Dissenting Churches on the clergymen and their congregations, and draws attention to various social issues, such as poverty, alcoholism, and domestic violence.

This is also my next read on my The Classics Club challenge so hopefully I will read it soon.

Purchase Links

Book Depository | Foyles | Waterstones | Wordery

(All purchases made using one of the above affiliate links gives a small percentage of money to myself with no extra cost to yourself. All proceeds go towards the upkeep of this blog. Thank you ever so much, your support is gratefully received.)

Please drop me a comment if you have taken part in Goodreads Monday and I will head over for a visit.

Happy Reading

If you enjoy reading my blog and would like to make a donation I would be very grateful. Thank you

The Weekly Brief


I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend.

Posts this Week

Currently Reading

Four books now on the go and I am loving all of them. The Diary of a Bookseller is particularly amusing.

Happy Reading

If you enjoy reading my blog and would like to make a donation I would be very grateful. Thank you