This and That Thursday


I thought it was time for a post about everything non book related going on currently. It has been a busy couple of weeks here with all the work on the house beginning but it is very exciting because once everything is done on the outside we can start work on the inside which will eventually mean I get my library! I am still learning Greek with Duolingo and I have also started some courses with the Centre of Excellence.

Coalbrookdale Museum of Iron

We recently visited the Museum of Iron and it was really interesting and fascinating to see all the things people had made out of iron. There is a lot of reading to do there and I found it hard to take it all in so I hope to go back soon and read the rest and also see the things which were outside as we missed the outside things due to the weather.

Coughton Court

Coughton Court is one of our favourites and we went to visit when we actually had a nice day. Coughton Court are also having a lot of work done so half of the house is currently covered in scaffolding. It was really interesting to see how they are storing the paintings and keeping the house safe during all the work that is going on.

Attingham Park

Today we took a break from all the roofing work and spent a few hours at Attingham Park. It was so nice to go for a walk around the grounds and go around the house. We learned all about how they clean the valuable carpets. It was a shame to not be able to see the Drawing Room properly but it was interesting to see what work they were doing. Sadly, yet again we weren’t allowed upstairs even though on the website it said upstairs was open. It seems every time we go the upstairs is closed due to lack of volunteers! Of course I also paid a visit to the second hand bookshop.

Croome Court

Over half term I met up with my friend and we had a lovely few hours at Croome Court. Croome Court doesn’t have much furniture in it but it is still fascinating and has beautiful grounds to walk around. We were blessed with another day of good weather.

We have also spent quite a bit of time working in the garden and managed to fill a skip in one day with all the stuff we removed.

Happy Reading


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