A History of the Roman Empire in 21 Women by Emma Southon (Review)

A History of the Roman Empire in 21 Women by Emma Southon


Here’s how the history of the Roman Empire usually goes…

We start with Romulus, go on to Brutus overthrowing Tarquin, bounce through an appallingly tedious list of battles and generals and consuls, before emerging into the political stab-fest of the late Republic. From there, it runs through all the emperors, occasionally mentioning a wife or mother to show how bad things get when women get out of control, until Constantine invents Christianity and then Attila the Hun comes and ruins everything. But the history of Rome and empire is so much more than these Important Things.

In this alternative history, Emma Southon traces the story of the Roman Empire through women: Vestal Virgins and sex workers, business owners and poets, martyrs and saints. Each gives a different perspective on women’s lives and how they changed, across time and across class lines.


Emma Southon is a new author for me but the title of this book intrigued me so much I had to buy it. It’s always so refreshing to have some ancient history told from the female perspective because, let’s face it, most of the history we know is about men and recorded by men. A few years ago I did a Masters in Classics and I really focused on the women in ancient Greece and Rome so this book seemed a good choice for me. 

The thing I loved most about this book was how Southon tells these women’s stories. I just love her writing style and her humour. Honestly, I could not stop laughing whilst reading this book. Instead of this book feeling like you are reading it, it feels like Southon is having a conversation with you and telling you about these 21 amazing women from history. Her writing style is very conversational which I can see might put some people off but I loved it. It was so nice to read a history book that was fun and upbeat and not stuffy. 

The other thing I loved was how Southon bridged the gap between the past and modern day. Her use of connecting the past with modern day things was excellent and highly amusing at times. 

In this book I read about women from Roman history that I knew of (some more than others) and I loved reading about them in such a different light. Somehow I think I will remember these women more now I have read this book because of how Southon portrayed them and linked them to modern day. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I am now off to buy all of Southon’s other books. I give this book 5 out of 5 Dragons. 


Purchase Links

Bookshop.org | Waterstones |

About the author

Dr. Emma Southon holds a PhD in ancient history from the University of Birmingham.

After a few years teaching Ancient and Medieval history, followed by some years teaching academic writing. She quit academia because it is grim and started writing for her own enjoyment.

She co-hosts a history/comedy podcast with Janina Matthewson called History is Sexy.


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