Stacking the Shelves: 25/5/2024

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Marlene of Reading Reality. It is all about sharing the books that you have recently added to your bookshelves. These books can be physical books, ebooks and of course audiobooks.


I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. I am really looking forward to half term next week, I’m hoping it will mean lots of reading time and some adventures.

I’ve received two books this week both of which I am very excited about to read.

  • Klova by Karen Langston – This sounds like a really different read for me and one that intrigues me. Hopefully I get around to reading it soon.
  • The Hedgerow by Anne Leigh Parrish – I love the cover of this book and I am hoping the book is just as beautiful because I really like the sound of the blurb.

Happy Reading


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